Every hour the sun provides the earth with as much energy as the whole of humanity consumes in around a year, so our planet is going round its most productive energy source. Technological advances today mean that we can implement photovoltaic installations that enable us to use this energy in a highly efficient way – all without producing emissions that harm the climate. This is how clean but also cheap electricity is produced for the energy mix of the future.


For land lessors, operators and investors, photovoltaic installations in solar parks are attractive because they supply climate-friendly electricity on a sustained basis for over 20 years. Photovoltaics are also of interest to municipalities and local authorities: they secure revenue and benefits from solar power’s positive image. We install solar parks all over Germany on open land over five hectares in size with an output of several megawatts.

Total output of
Capital expenditure of

Solar power services

Sunny prospects for photovoltaic projects: we support you from site selection all the way to operation.


Site choice

Site choice

We find appropriate sites for you to build photovoltaic installations or inspect land for its suitability.




We develop your photovoltaic installations and take care of the authorisations required for implementation.




We plan the implementation of your installations to the point of being ready for execution. We are happy to provide support with the BNetzA tendering process.


Awarding contracts

Awarding contracts

We run the tendering process for your photovoltaic installations and construction services.




We execute the construction of your photovoltaic installations and connect the new power plants to the electricity grid.




We take care of the funding of your photovoltaic installations and also deal with marketing.


Operational management

Operational management

We offer technical and commercial operational management as well as maintenance for your installations.

Benefits of photovoltaics


Modulare & maßgeschneiderte Anlagen

Modular & custom-made installations

We are able to implement installations of all sizes.


Rapidly realisable

Rapidly realisable

Photovoltaic installations can be authorised and constructed quickly.


Low conversion costs

Low conversion costs

The conversion of solar energy into electricity is particularly reasonably priced.


Most stable cash flow

Most stable cash flow

Make money from your installation on a long-term and reliable basis.


Low wear and tear

Low wear and tear

A photovoltaic installation has practically no moving parts.


Several decades of solar power

Several decades of solar power

Photovoltaic installations supply clean electricity on a sustained basis for well over 20 years.

Excerpts from our testimonials

  • null


    Leistung: 1,9 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung, Bauleitung

    Fertigstellung: 2018

    Auftraggeber: ALTUS AG

  • null

    Plau am See

    Leistung: 1,7 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2012

    Auftraggeber: Wirsol Solar AG

  • null

    Solarpark Krakow am See

    Leistung: 1,5 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2012

    Auftraggeber: Wirsol Solar AG

  • null

    Solarpark Güstrow I

    Leistung: 20 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2012

    Auftraggeber: Wirsol Solar AG

  • null

    Solarpark Güstrow II

    Leistung: 9,5 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2012

    Auftraggeber: Wirsol Solar AG

  • null

    Güstrow III

    Leistung: 3,5 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2012

    Auftraggeber: Wirsol Solar AG

  • null

    Energiepark Birkenkopf

    Leistung: 600 kWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2009

    Auftraggeber: ALTUS AG

  • null

    Solarpark Alt Tellin

    Leistung: 1,7 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2012

    Auftraggeber: Wirsol Solar AG

  • null

    Solarpark Blankenburg

    Leistung: 1,8 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2012

    Auftraggeber: Wirsol Solar AG

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    Solarpark Haselberg

    Leistung: 4,5 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2013

    Auftraggeber: Wircon GmbH

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    Solarpark Haida

    Leistung: 5,5 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2010

    Auftraggeber: ALTUS AG

  • null

    Solarpark Vossberg

    Leistung: 8,5 MWp

    Leistungsumfang: Projektentwicklung

    Fertigstellung: 2012

    Auftraggeber: Wirsol Solar AG


Member of the German Solar Association

The goal of the German Solar Association (BSW-Solar) and its members is to turn solar energy into a cornerstone of the energy industry. As an information provider, advisor and facilitator in the sphere of action involving economics, politics and consumers, the association represents the interests of around 800 companies in the photovoltaic sector.

FAQ on photovoltaics

The energy mix in Germany is changing and plenty of people have questions about solar power. We provide the answers and clarify some important facts.

Can photovoltaic installations be stripped down and recycled?
Can old photovoltaic installations be replaced with new ones?

Keen to find out more?

Contact us!